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17th Annual Statewide Meeting
Economic Stress: Hard Times for Water Planning and Management
January 13, 2011 @ 10:00 am – 6:30 pm MST
8:00 On-site registration
8:30 Welcome and introductions
8:45 Keynote: Dr. Janie Chermak, UNM Econ.Dept.
“Water Planning in Hard Times: Playing the Odds”
9:45 Break
10:00 Panel – Economic Stress: Impacts on Growth, Water and Land Use
Moderator: John Fleck, Science Writer, Abq. Journal
Dr. Lee Reynis, Director, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, UNM
Susan Kelly, Director, Utton Center, UNM School of Law
Peter Russell, Community Development Director, Town of Silver City
Dale Dekker, AIA, AICP, architect, Dekker, Perich, Sabatini
Denise Fort, Professor, UNM School of Law
Duncan Sill, Economic Development Specialist, Santa Fe County
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Keynote: Dr. David Feldman, Chair Department of Planning, Policy and Design, University of California at Irvine — “Water Planning in an Era of Diminishing Resources – More Essential than Ever”
1:15 Panel – Update on the 2010 State Water Plan
John D’Antonio, State Engineer
Estevan Lopez, Director, Interstate Stream Commission
John Leeper, Department of Water Resources, Navajo Nation
Representative Mimi Stewart
2:15 Break
2:30 Panel – Challenges in Regional Water Planning
Angela Bordegaray, Senior Water Planner, Interstate Stream Commission
Dick Smith, Board Member, Pecos Valley Artesian Conservancy District
Steve Hernandez, Attorney, Las Cruces
John Jones, Vice President, Estancia Basin Water Planning Committee; Legislative Chair, Rural Water Association; COO, Entranosa Water & Wastewater Assoc.
Simeon Herskovits, Attorney, Taos
3:45 Summation and Nominations for the Dialogue Board of DirectorsRelated contentDale Dekker presentationDenise Fort presentationLee Reynis presentationDuncan Sill presentationDavid Feldman – keynote presentationSimeon Herskovits presentation